What you need to know before opening a new workspace location


Higor Lacerda


General Insights


August 2, 2022

Read Time:

3 minutes

What you need to know before opening a new workspace location

Managing a shared workspace is a task with many challenges. From managing employees to delivering a high-quality service for the space members. The manager of a coworking space needs to be prepared to deal with several types of bureaucracies for running this business.

If you want to know more about the challenges that a coworking manager faces in daily work, keep on reading this article.

Communication in a coworking space 

Good communication should be one of the main skills of a coworking space manager. 

Been able to master the ability to communicate internally and externally with different types of people such as employees, partners, customers, and prospects.

To keep communication with these different relationships up to date, the coworking space manager must have an omnichannel tool that can unite in one place messages received in different channels.

Scheduling at a coworking space 

Keeping the schedules of a shared workspace organized is essential to avoid conflicts that can disrupt the day-to-day life of the coworking community.

A digital scheduling system is essential to assist communication between customers and managers of a coworking space so that duplicate appointments are not made and the use of the spaces is optimized to the maximum.

Capturing leads for a coworking space

It is up to the coworking manager to identify and store warm contacts to attract more customers and effectively apply marketing strategies by communicating exclusively with contacts who have an interest in your products and services. 

Staying in touch with people and organizations that need your services by communicating effectively is one of the coworking manager’s challenges.

Managing the finances of a coworking space

Taking care of the business finances is one of the coworking manager’s duties. 

Organizing accounts such as customer balances, issuing invoices, and controlling expenses should be a job done with care to maintain profits and be up to date with fiscal commitments.

Invoicing and payments

The coworking manager must have total control of the invoices and payments related to his business.

With financial control tools from a coworking management system, he or she can generate the company’s finances and control all payments and receipts easily and practically. 

Directly in our system, you can register your customers’ payments and issue the invoice for the services rendered in a short period.

Finance Conciliation

It is up to the coworking manager to control the expenses of the establishment such as expenses with premises, inputs, employees, and services.

Keeping this control becomes easier through a financial reconciliation tool available in management software systems. 

This is one more facility you will have to manage your business, organizing all your expenses to have total control of your investments and spending.


The processes of managing a company may seem the same in different sectors, however, some companies have particularities that should be known by the manager.

In a coworking space, the particularities of this management can be better solved when there are digital tools to assist in the day-to-day work.

Knowing how to look for coworking management software can be the first step for coworking managers to facilitate their administrative processes.

Learn about the facilities that Workeaser can offer coworking managers to have in their hands the best digital solutions for their business.

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