How creating communities can help you to expand your networking


Higor Lacerda


General Insights


October 4, 2022

Read Time:

3 minutes

How creating communities can help you to expand your networking

Good relationships build solid foundations, and the same goes for your networking. Managing your coworking space and prioritizing community building as a pillar encourages this type of practice between teams and results in many exchanges and mutual learning.

Especially after the pandemic, when we were all forced to physically distance ourselves, contact and exchange with co-workers became more distant from the home office, and now with the possibility of face-to-face interaction, we were able to approach and multiply the gains in sharing a space working with other collaborators.

The exchange of ideas, career possibilities, and even the news of the job market are part of the day-to-day of any company. But working on your own or working remotely from your office, all of this can seem more difficult and you may even feel alone in the new environment. However, this is the time to take advantage and leave shyness aside: the professional beside you can also be your new professional contact.

One in three people who frequent shared workspaces has already partnered on projects, hired, or were hired by other frequenters. In other words, these are valuable practices that encourage these connections even more. 

How about looking at our tips below to put networking into practice and not let the next opportunity pass you by?

You must always encourage exchange in the environments you manage so that your employees feel more encouraged to make decisions and even create connections at work.

Encourage the productivity

Routine impacts productivity when it becomes tiring and demotivating. There must be consistency, but when the routine demotivates, there needs to be a way to bring dynamism to the team and make the day-to-day productive again. The low employee retention rate can be high due to a routine where they no longer feel welcome, or an essential part of the company.

Motivation is a factor that can be both internal and external. The environments in which we live influence our well-being and, consequently, our joy and sense of motivation and make the workday more interesting for the employee.

Having a decompression area

Having a decompression area seems not necessary and some even insist that they collaborate to distract the employee from his workday, since, when sharing spaces with other professionals, it is easier to start a conversation and maybe also close deals.

These decompression spaces are useful and indispensable for the rest and interaction of teams and collaborators. Encouraging the exchange between each of them makes the office a complete social experience.

Promote and participate in events

In addition to the exchange of knowledge that can happen daily between users, promoting events is something that can, in addition to expanding, bring a lot of knowledge to employees. Workshops and lectures always contribute to your curriculum and your networking.

Events also encourage interactions that can be the start of great partnerships and negotiations. In addition to improving networking, you promote more expansive experiences for you and your coworking teams.

The basis of business success is the efficiency and happiness of the people involved. And for that, it is essential to develop strategies so that everyone feels welcomed in the culture of the work environment and with the improvements and implementations that can be made in a coworking network. For these and other tips, request a trial of our software and learn how to have the best for your coworking.

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